Sunday, March 18, 2007

Discover the Rocky Mountain Front

The weather has been too warm, the snow too windblown and glazed.
I've been out, but there isn't much more than that to report.
It has also been a good time to be in town. It is Russell Art Week, with five major shows and lots of art and interesting people to look at.
We also got out to the Calgary Stampede promotional breakfast.
Instead of writing about all that, I'd like to promote my new book, "Discover the Rocky Mountain Front: A Hiking Guide," published by my old employer, The Great Falls Tribune in January.
The 160 page book details the major recreational access along the Front, a 200 mile stretch of the Rocky Mountains between the Bob Marshall Wilderness complex and the Great Plains from Rogers Pass near Lincoln and Marias Pass near Glacier National Park. You've seen lots about the Front in this blog over the past three years.
The Front has been the focus of a decades-long national battle between those who are fighting to preserve its wild character and developers who believe it contains significant oil and gas reserves.
In December Congress passed, and President George W. Bush signed a bill into law barring development of the Front’s oil and gas.
The guide book describes 30 trail hikes, 45 mountain climbs, and how to find 12 waterfalls along the Front, with maps and photos. There is a chapter on campgrounds and specially designated recreational areas along the Front.
There are also chapters on the Front’s geography, geology, and place names. The book suggests cross country skiing and snowshoeing opportunities, and what to do with children there. There is a chapter on the communities along the Front.
I've been hiking and climbing in the Front for more than 30 years. Some of the hikes in the book first appeared in the newspaper’s “Trip of the Week” column I wrote.
The book, which retails for $9.95 is available from Kotynski by e-mailing: or calling (406) 761-4463. The book will also be available at bookstores and shops throughout Montana, and from the Great Falls Tribune at or by calling (800) 438-6600 or (406) 791-1444. A shipping charge will be added to the price. The Tribune Web site on the guide contains a slide show.

1 comment:

TopKnot said...

Your link to the GF Trib is no good...yet;
Can you post the correct one?

