Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Alpine flowers spectacle at Rogers Pass


The Forget Me Nots and Yellowstone Draba remind me of the Ukrainian flag

Gordon Whirry approaching the top of Rodgers Peak

Bagging Rittel Peak

The pink Douglasia climbing the hill

Great Falls folks don't appreciate or really know that they have a world class hiking trail just an hour's drive away.

We confirmed that Tuesday on a walk to the east from Rogers Pass along the Continental Pass to Rittel Peak (elevation: 6,939 feet).

Not only is hiking spectacular along the Continental Divide, but the alpine flowers, the pink Douglasia, the yellow Yellowstone Draba and the blue Forget-Me-Not, put on quite a show.

I wonder if Global Warming had anything to do with it, but this show seems early.

In years past I've recommended seeing the alpine bloom around Father's Day.

This floral display was highlighted by dapplings of snow that enhanced the alpine scenery.

As usual, this stretch of trail (we went out 4 miles south along this spine), was nearly empty.

Early on, we saw two hikers and a dog in front of us, but they must have turned  back.

That was it.

We also climbed Rodgers Peak (elevation: 7,002 feet).

These past eight days have been a great tuneup for hiking season.  I did the Spring Gulch into the Gates of the Mountains Wilderness twice, and this hike.  All were about 8.3 miles and 2,600 feet in elevation gain and loss.

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