Monday, June 17, 2024

All about flowers: Pioneer Ridge loop, Rogers Pass flowers, Mount Wright, Swan Lake, Kings Hill columbine and Highwoods Center Ridge


My daughter, Leila, on Center Ridge in Highwoods

A Calypso bouquet in the Little Belts

Camas in bloom at Rogers Pass

Jones Columbine on Kings Hill

Leila and Katie coming off CDT at Rogers Pass

Gordon Whirry atop Mount Wright with "Bob" behind him

Lots of late Spring activity to report.

Gordon Whirry and I did our annual Mount Wright climb.  In spite of downed trees I did the Pioneer Ridge loop in the Little Belts and returned to find Jones columbine on Kings Hill there.  Katie and I joined friends at the Laughing Horse Lodge at Swan Lake and did a hike to Holland Lake Falls.  And, there were several trips to Rogers Pass to view the alpine flowers and chocolate lilies. 

My daughter, Leila, joined us for Father's Day at Rogers, Kings Hill, and the Highwoods Center Ridge walk.

This is a magical time to hike in northcentral Montana's many mountainous areas.

We encountered enough snow on the Mount Wright trail that we had to skirt the trail and scramble to a ridge top to climb that peak.  The views from the top never disappoint, offering 360 views across the Bob Marshall and into Glacier Park and out on the Great Plains to the Sweetgrass Hills.

It's our great fortune to live so close to the Continental Divide Trail, and at Rogers Pass the alpine flowers emerged early this year.  We've enjoyed the progression of new, emerging alpine flowers on our repeated trips.  Beargrass is starting to emerge and should be in full display within a week or two.

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