Friday, March 21, 2025

Winter ends with ski to Mizpah and hike to Cochrane

A tough way up
At the Mizpah bowls

 Winter ended with a ski to the Mizpah Bowls in the Little Belts to enjoy some fresh snow and brilliant sun a day before the Solstice.

Earlier in the week I hiked to Cochrane Dam along the River's Edge Trail connecting the Chaos, Mayhem, and Rocky Road side trails, also on a gorgeous late winter day.

What a contrast!

Skiable snow and trail within a couple of days of each other.

How would I describe this winter?

Positively, because there was good snow, although there were long stretches of brutal cold that made getting out difficult.  It was a better winter than last year by a long stretch.  The snow we got laid down a good base.  Last year the base was horrible all winter.

My biggest regret this year was not doing old favorites like Nugget Creek, Stemple to Flesher, Rogers Pass, Marias Pass and Looking Glass Pass.  I'm not sure I'm even up to Nugget or Stemple/Flesher any more.

My back country trips were definitely less lengthy --- in the 6-8 mile range, where I had been doing 10-12 mile runs in past years.

Age is taking its toll.

While the Little Belts and other Island Ranges got great snow, the Front was a disappointment.  Too darned much wind, in addition to the brutal cold.

Although we've normally skied into early May, I see open South-facing slopes inviting early Spring hiking trips.

The Cochrane hike reminded me of how fantastic our River trail in town is.

The MIzpah trip reminded me of the tremendous snow at the Great Falls doorstep.

Chaos side trail on way to Cochrane

On the Rocky Road side trail

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