Saturday, December 16, 2023

No snow, COVID bout slows our hikes


I can't remember a time in the past 20 years when I've been so dormant.

Part of it was catching COVID from grandkids at Thanksgiving, but a bigger part is the lack of snow.

Showdown, our local ski area didn't open as scheduled Dec. 12.  Heck, I remember that it used to schedule its opening at Thanksgiving. 

I've had six COVID vaccinations, but they were no match for the kids who sneezed and coughed on us.  My infection lasted only three days after symptoms showed up.  The symptoms were like a mild head cold that started with  throat tickle and caused some fatigue.  It was so mild that I continued to walk every day.  Katie's lasted a week longer than my three days.  No long COVID here.

The lack of snow is worrisome.  Yes, I did get some back country skiing in late October, but I could be climbing right now in the Highwood Mountains.

There have been some dustings of snow in the high country and in our nearby buttes.

We got out this past week to climb the Nature Conservancy's Crown Butte between Simms and Cascade, walking 4.3 miles and gaining just under 2,000 feet.

We walked in gorgeous, clear weather under a bright blue sky which afforded us fabulous views of the Rocky Mountain Front and other buttes like Birdtail, Lionshead, Shaw and Square.

There was about two to four inches of snow on Crown Butte.

I know we've got an El Nino going on, but I hope another winter like 2004-5 is not shaping up.

Stay tuned.

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